Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Equal Marriage or Constitutional Rights?

According to our bill of rights we all have the right to due process, which says that we won't be arrested for ridiculous reasons and we won't be imprisoned for unreasonable amounts of time. This, however, was not the case for Kim Davis who refused to give a gay couple a marriage license. She was arrested and thrown in jail for a weekend. Was that really necessary? She was just trying to follow her religious beliefs and she was persecuted for it. Charges were thankfully not pressed, but the weekend in jail must not have been pleasant. I believe that putting her in jail was overkill for following her beliefs. We do have freedom of religion in this nation, so she shouldn't have been punished that severely. I would understand if she was reprimanded by her boss, or given a letter in her file, but jail? Is that what we have become? Do we persecute those who follow their religion for others. Does the first amendment not mean anything? I understand that she legally had to issue them a marriage license, but wouldn't it have just been easier to go to a different county clerk? So, think for yourself, was her punishment just? And what is more important, the Constitution or Equal marriage?

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