Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What is a Civil Right?

A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise for action or injury. Examples of civil rights include; the freedom of speech and press; right to vote; and the right to equality everywhere. Nowhere on this list is the freedom of marriage. Marriage is a privilege, not a right. A main argument for those for equal marriage is that it is a civil right, but that isn't true. People try to compare the gay rights movement to the African American civil rights movement. Those two movements are very different. African Americans have been oppressed for as long as anyone can remember. They were in fact enslaved by our society until the end of the Civil War. Gays were never enslaved, they are not fighting for the freedom to vote or to be able to be equal to everyone else. They want to get married and say that it is a civil right to do so. Their struggles are nowhere near that of the African Americans prior to the civil rights movement. A civil right is to be equal, not just to get married. Marriage isn't necessary to American Culture, but eating and being afforded the same basic rights as everyone else is. So, decide for yourself, is it okay for the gay rights movement to call their marriage a civil right?

1 comment:

  1. Great job presenting some ideas for consideration. I look forward to reading comments from your peers.
