Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You Can't Really Argue With the Supreme Court, Can You?

Even though same- sex marriage is still a debated topic the Supreme Court voted and supported same-sex marriage. Some states and individuals try to fight this still, but in  reality what the federal government says go's. After all the federal law is the supreme law of the land as said in the Supremacy Clause in the Constitution. Our founding fathers worked diligently to put together our Constitution so that we would be able to resolve issues like this. Sure, originally the Supreme Court was kind of a joke, but that all changed with Marbury v. Madison; which was the Supreme Court case that instituted Judicial Review. The Supreme Court decided (with a 5-4 vote) that same-sex marriage is Constitutional, therefore the states have to comply. No couple is allowed to be denied marriage because of their sexual orientation. Honestly the vote should not have been this close, it should have been a 9-0 vote. There is no reasonable explanation as to why any state should be able to deny a couple a marriage license based on their sexual orientation. After all we don't deny people who have been divorced to get married, but that goes against one of the basic principles of marriage: "'Til death so us part." Basically since the Supreme Court is the Supreme Law of the land their decision is final and must be obeyed. They had the logic to see that all human beings deserve to be married regardless of their sexual orientation and the states must respect that.


  1. 13, 19, 21 ... those are the Amendments to the US Constitution that come to mind as I read your blog post.

  2. There is a lot of great information on this blog. I think there are a lot of good reasons why there should be gay marriage and also a lot to why there shouldn't be. I can tell you spent a lot of time on this.
